The Bradley Station dog park is separated into two distinct areas for dogs under 25 pounds and dogs more than 25 pounds. Please practice social distancing while enjoying the dog park!
Bradley Station Dog Park Rules:
- Park hours: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
- Patrons can use the park at their own risk
- Handlers must use appropriate signed area for their dog
- Handlers are liable for any injury or damage caused by their dog(s)
- Handlers are limited to 3 dogs
- Dogs shall be licensed and vaccinated with a tag on their collar at all times
- Handlers must be 16 years of age or older
- Children under 12 are not permitted without a responsible adult
- All dogs must be leashed before entering and exiting the park
- Dogs must be under the control of their handler at all times while in the park
- Handler is responsible for picking up and disposing their dog's waste in designated receptables
- Handler must carry a leash with them at all times while in the park
- Dogs in heat are prohibited
- No dogs under the age of 4 months
- No aggressive dogs
- Handlers must stop their dog(s) from digging and are responsible for reparing any holes their dog makes
- No excessive barking
- No grooming or bathing of dogs within the park
- No food or smoking within the park
The City of Gastonia is not responsible for the behavior of any dog. Bites or injuries should be reported to the Gaston County Animal Control at 704-922-8677. The rules are intented to protect everyones use and enjoyment of the park. Violation of park rules may result in a citation or removal from the park.
Physical Address:
181 N. Oakland St.
Gastonia, NC 28052
Contact Information:
Administrative Office
109 W. Second Avenue, Gastonia, NC 28052
(P.O. Box 1748, Gastonia, NC 28053-1748)
704.866.6839 (office)
704.842.5104 (fax)