Q: Why can't I burn leaves, trash or brush in the city?
A: The Gastonia City Ordinance section 12-4 prohibits open burning by individuals within the city limits. For complete information on outside burning click here.
Q: How can I get a free smoke alarm (formerly called detector)?
A: If you are a citizen of Gastonia and cannot afford a smoke alarm, fill out the Smoke Alarm Request Form on the main page of our website or call 704.866.6807 during regular business hours. Arrangements will be made for a smoke alarm to be installed in your residence.
Q: How can I get a free carbon monoxide alarm?
A: At this time, free carbon monoxide alarms are not available. We strongly recommend that if you heat your home with gas, that you purchase a carbon monoxide alarm and place it in your place of residence.
Q: Why can't I grill on my apartment balcony?
A: North Carolina Law prohibits outdoor grilling within 10 feet of a structure. The only exception is one- and two-family houses. Click on Outdoor Grilling to find out more.
Q: Do you have free car seats?
A: We do not have free car seats. If you need help installing a car seat, please call The Gastonia Police Department to setup an appointment.
Q: How do I submit plan reviews, and apply for a construction permit?
A: Complete plan review and permit information can be found here.
Q: Are fireworks illegal?
A: Most fireworks are illegal in North Carolina. This includes any fireworks that explode, spin or lift off the ground. For example bottle rockets, firecrackers and roman candles are illegal. Permissible fireworks include sparklers, "snap and pops," and "glow worms," that do not explode. Click on Fireworks Safety for more information.
Q: What is the departments ISO rating?
A: The Gastonia Fire Department has a rating of 1 from the North Carolina Department of Insurance.
Q: If I know someone that started a fire or has been involved with fire, is there a way I can give you the information, remain anonymous, and not get involved?
A: Yes, you can call Gaston County Crime Stoppers at 704-861-8000.
Q: What kind of Knox Box do I need to purchase for my business?
A: Complete information on a Knox Box can be found here.
Q: Who do I contact for Environmental Surverys and FOIA Requests?
A: Contat Fire Marshal Chris Stowe via email at: Chris.Stowe@GastoniaNC.Gov.
Q: How can I obtain a copy of a fire report?
A: Complete information can be found here.
Q: Who do I contact for media relations requests?
A: Media relations requests not made on incident scenes, will be handled during regular business hours only. Requests can be emailed to: Jim.Landis@GastoniaNC.GOV.