Citizen Committees

The City of Gastonia has a variety of boards and commissions.  These committees, established by the Gastonia City Council, are a way for Gastonia residents to provide input on the policies that shape their government and their city. Serving on a Citizen Committee provides a meaningful opportunity to contribute time, talents and expertise to our community. If you are interested in serving on any of the below boards, please submit an APPLICATION or contact the Deputy City Clerk's office at 704-866-6720 or by email at  Applications will be kept on file for two (2) years from the date the application is submitted.

The Affordable Housing Advisory Board shall:  (1) Serve as the formal liaison between the general public and the City Council and seek to promote active citizen participation in and support for all phases of the City of Gastonia Affordable Housing Plan. (2) Monitor and provide recommendations for timely implementation of and necessary amendments to the Affordable Housing Plan and other housing policies as appropriate. (3) Review and make recommendations for new or revised land use ordinance provisions related to the Affordable Housing Plan. (4) Review and make recommendations regarding affordable housing funding opportunities. (5) Annually review the City’s Affordable Housing Plan and goals, data and other progress indicators; and, make recommendations to prioritize or adjust activities based on such review. (6) Identify, research and provide recommendations to City Council on affordable housing issues, trends and unmet housing needs. (7) As needed or as requested by City management and staff, organize subcommittees focusing on specific topics or issues to advance specific activities and work related to the Affordable Housing Plan. (8) Review and approve annual and other staff reports to the City Council. The Board shall consist of seven voting members who are citizens of the City.  One member shall be appointed by the Council from each of the City’s six wards and one member at large shall be nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the Council.  This Board will meet at least quarterly.

The focus of the Airport Advisory Committee is to evaluate opportunities and challenges of the airport and the surrounding property owners adjacent to or directly affected by operation of the airport, develop recruitment strategies for increased industrial and commercial use of the airport to support continued economic development opportunities, to increase awareness and importance of aviation activities within the City of Gastonia, develop strategic partnerships with public/private entities that utilize the airport, to improve public safety, to spur redevelopment, investment and overall improvements to the airport, and to recognize the users and hangar tenants of the airport as a catalyst for increased prosperity and use of airport facilities. This committee meets quarterly on the 4th Tuesday.
The purpose of the City of Gastonia Arts Committee is to contribute to the advancement of the arts, to be a patron of visual and performing arts in the City of Gastonia, and to provide equitable educational forums to residents to catalyze and encourage public artistic expression.  The Committee will: (1) Encourage and promote mediums of artistic expression within the city of Gastonia; (2) Assemble and support programs that contribute to the beautification of the City of Gastonia; (3) Identify potential art projects and sites; (4) Provide opportunities for local artists to showcase their work for the betterment of the City of Gastonia; (5) Coordinate with individuals, firms, institutions, and organizations that seek to implement activities and programs that support the City of Gastonia's initiative to increase artistic expression within the city; (6) Prepare both basic and tailored initiatives for arts within the City that involve both current and prospective arts centered organizations; (7) Coordinate with developers to include public art in their developments; and (8) Devise ways to make policies and procedures inclusive of the arts.
The Citizens Advisory Board was established in accordance with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen Participation Plan. The purpose of the Citizen Participation Plan shall be to set forth a program by which citizens will be provided with an adequate opportunity to participate in an advisory role in planning, implementing and assessing the Community Development Program for the City of Gastonia. The provisions of this Citizen Participation Plan shall apply to activities presently being undertaken as well as to all future activities of the Community Block Grant Program. This board meets on the 1st Monday of each month.

The Gastonia Farmer’s Market Advisory Board is the official liaison between the Gastonia City Council and the citizens of Gastonia. This board also serves as the official oversight and guidance to the Farmer’s Market Association which is responsible for the day to day operation of the Gastonia Farmer’s Market. This board meets quarterly on the 3rd Tuesday.

The Gastonia Historic District Commission is made up of seven (7) volunteers-residents within the City Limits of Gastonia appointed by the Gastonia City Council. The purpose of the Commission is to establish procedures for organizing the business of the Commission and processing applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for: Any changes in the exterior appearance of existing buildings, structures, signs or appurtenant features; Construction or erection of new buildings, structures, signs or appurtenant features; and For moving or demolition of existing structures within the designated historic district. The Historic District Commission meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 181 South Street.

Keep Gastonia Beautiful is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Inc., a national non-profit public education organization dedicated to protecting the natural beauty of American communities and improving our waste-handling practices. The key to Keep Gastonia Beautiful's success is its dedicated volunteers who give more than 100,000 volunteer hours yearly. For every $1.00 of support given to Keep Gastonia Beautiful, Inc. we return $17.11 worth of benefits to our community. This board meets bi-monthly on the first Thursday.
The Mayor's Youth Leadership Council was formed in 2001 to involve the high school students of our community in decision making, leadership development and future planning for Gastonia. The purpose of this council is to empower youth as leaders, volunteers, peer mentors, and community decision makers. Please use the application in the Quick Links section to the right.
The primary objective of the Planning Commission is to develop and maintain a continuing, cooperative planning program to benefit the residents of the City of Gastonia. The purposes of the Planning Commission include making studies of the City and its environs, determine objectives to be sought in the development of the areas under study, prepare and recommend plans for achieving these objectives, develop and recommend policies, ordinances, administrative procedures, and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner, among other duties. The Planning Commission meets the first Thursday after the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 181 South Street.
The Recreation Advisory Commission serves as an advisory board on issues about the operation of the Recreation Department.  The Commission meets quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month (February, May, August, November) at 5:30 PM in the Council Conference Room 201 at City Hall, 181 South Street.
The Schiele Museum of Natural History is committed to inspiring curiosity and understanding of science and the natural world through exceptional educational programs, exhibits, and research. The Schiele Museum Board of Trustees meets at 4:00pm every other month on the third Thursday in the North Carolina Hall of the museum.
The Sister Cities Board of Directors fosters and promotes mutual understanding between people of the Gastonia area and foreign countries. We seek to achieve this mission through: partnerships with education, culture, economic development and shared dialogue. This board meets every other month on the 1st Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Garland Municipal Business Center Room 131 (July, September, November, January, March, May). For further information about this board, contact Juliann Lehman at 704-869-1938.

The Stormwater Commission serves as a platform for citizens to voice their opinions, concerns and advise. The Commission also prioritizes funding for the Stormwater Off Right-of-Way Program. This board meets the third Thursday every other month at the Municipal Operations Center at 1300 N. Broad Street.


The mission of the Gastonia Tree Advisory Commission, which consists of 7 members with a majority of whom shall be residents of the city, is to achieve community-wide recognition that trees and landscaping are an integral part of our quality of life, and it is the responsibility of all residents to provide for and protect our urban forest environment. The Gastonia Tree Advisory Commission serves to advocate for the preservation and ongoing renewal of Gastonia’s urban forest and landscape; to educate the residents of Gastonia about the importance of trees and landscaping as they pertain to our quality of life; and, to advise and support City Council and assist City leaders on issues affecting Gastonia's urban forest. The City of Gastonia Tree Advisory Commission also reviews and makes recommendations regarding the Tree Ordinance.


The Board of Adjustment is an appointed, quasi-judicial citizen board that primarily considers appeals, variances, and requests for interpretation of the Unified Development Ordinance. This board meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 181 South Street. 


Gastonia, N.C., just minutes west of Charlotte, is one of the area’s best places to live and work with an ideal combination of location, size and livability. Gastonia is the largest of Gaston County’s 13 municipalities and one of the largest cities in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Selected as an All-America City three times, Gastonia’s desirable quality of life is the result of its beautiful natural surroundings, friendly neighborhoods, responsive government and vibrant business environment.


✆ 704-866-6714

⟟ 181 S. South Street
Gastonia, NC 28052