Garrison LEARNS Corridor

Garrison LEARNS (Library, Education, Arts, Recreation, Nature & Science)

The City of Gastonia’s Garrison LEARNS (Library, Education, Arts, Recreation, Nature, & Science) Project is more than just a transportation project; it aims to transform the transportation infrastructure of the civic core of Gastonia to promote sustainable modes of transportation, enhance connectivity, improve multimodal safety and accessibility, and stimulate economic growth. This is achieved by prioritizing pedestrian-friendly designs and implementing bicycle infrastructure. Moreover, by prioritizing transportation choice, affordability, and environmental responsibility, Garrison LEARNS aims to significantly improve the quality of life for everyone in the community as well as serve as the cornerstone of a regional vision for a vibrant, sustainable, and accessible multimodal corridor.

Garrison Boulevard is home to the most significant concentration of civic anchors outside of Gastonia’s downtown core. Those civic anchors include the Schiele Museum of Natural History, Grier Middle School, Gaston County Library Main Branch, Lineberger Park, and the Avon/Catawba Creeks Greenway trailhead. Garrison LEARNS encompasses not just a stretch of pavement, but the hopes and aspirations of entire communities. In addition to the key civic anchors mentioned above, the Garrison LEARNS Corridor hosts other significant multimodal generators, including two large churches, several healthcare services, and a variety of local businesses. The corridor is a significant part of the City’s transportation network, providing east-to-west mobility south of the City’s downtown area while acting as a parallel route to US 74 (Franklin Boulevard).

garrison photo



The Garrison Boulevard Corridor, as it exists today, is automobile-centric and provides limited infrastructure and connectivity for people walking and biking. Currently, the study area is five-lane roadway with a center two-way-left-turn-lane that does not support its growing civic anchors and multimodal demand. There is no sidewalk for most of the south side of the corridor, and back-of-curb sidewalk of varying quality on the north side. The corridor has no bicycle facilities and lacks pedestrian crossing opportunities (average spacing between crossings = 1,700 linear feet), resulting in unsafe crossing conditions or significant out of direction travel for pedestrians and transit riders. Moreover, there is a greenway underpass that is continuously silted, wet, and impassable.

Garrison LEARNS is divided into three (3) primary components consisting of a total of fourteen (14) primary improvements. These seemingly individual improvements come together to create a powerful synergy -- a connected, convenient, and multimodal transportation system that unlocks the corridor's potential.

Component #1 - Safety Improvements

  • Lowering Speed Limit by 10 Miles Per Hour (MPH)
  • Reducing Travel Lane Width From 12-ft. to 11-ft.
  • Replacing the Two-Way Left Turn Lane with a Raised, Planted Median
  • Enhancing Roadway Lighting
  • Installing a Traffic Signal at Laurel Lane
  • Improving the Avon/Catawba Creeks Greenway Underpass

Component #2 - Active Transportation (Bike/Ped) Improvements

  • Installing Bike Lanes on Both Sides of Garrison Boulevard
  • Installing 5-ft Sidewalk
  • Installing High-Visibility Crosswalks at Signalized Intersections & Midblock Crossings
  • Adding Pedestrian Countdown Timers at Signalized Intersections
  • Installing a Pedestrian Bridge (Grade Separated Crossing)

Component #3 – Environmental and Quality of Life Improvements

  • Reconstruction of Curb Ramps
  • Installing Green Space in the Medians and Buffer Spaces

2024 ATIIP Application

            Executive Summary


            Resolutions and Letters of Support

            Project Map

            Existing Conditions Analysis

            Traffic Volume & Growth Memo

            Benefit-Cost Analysis Memo

            Photo Renderings

               Garrison Blvd Corridor Study Final Report


Gastonia, N.C., just minutes west of Charlotte, is one of the area’s best places to live and work with an ideal combination of location, size and livability. Gastonia is the largest of Gaston County’s 13 municipalities and one of the largest cities in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Selected as an All-America City three times, Gastonia’s desirable quality of life is the result of its beautiful natural surroundings, friendly neighborhoods, responsive government and vibrant business environment.


✆ 704-866-6714

⟟ 181 S. South Street
Gastonia, NC 28052