The Gastonia Fire Marshal's Office utilizes The Compliance Engine, a web-based service to track and maintain code compliance and provide safer communities through third-party inspection reporting and maintenance.
The City of Gastonia partnered with Brycer, LLC & The Compliance Engine on November 15th, 2023. All compliant & non-compliant fire protection systems for the following must be sent to the Gastonia Fire Marshal's Office electronically by your respective organization via The Compliance Engine online system:
Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System (BDA) (annual inspection report)
Fire Alarm (annual inspection report)
Fire Pump (annual inspection report)
Fire Sprinklers (annual inspection report)
Kitchen Hood Suppression (bi-annual inspection report)
Kitchen Hood Exhaust Cleaning (report each time a cleaning takes place)
Private Fire Hydrants (annual flows/maintenance)
Standpipes (annual inspection report)
Spray Booths
Emergency Generator (annual testing)
Fire Doors (annual testing)
New User
For an overview of the program, visit The Compliance Engine website by clicking here. Make sure to view the Third Party Inspection reporting video.
Register for Online Training with Brycer
Property Management Access to The Compliance Engine
To gain view-only access to your property to check in reports sent in, go to The Compliance Engine website and make a request.
Contractor Registration for The Compliance Engine
To register, please visit company registration for the Compliance Engine.
User Login
For more information, contact Brycer The Compliance Engine via email at or (630) 413-9511.