Environmental Commitment
Two Rivers Utilities operates a certified ISO 14001 Environmental Management System to ensure a high level of environmental performance. The Wastewater Treatment Division has been ISO 14001-certified since 2001 and was one of the first certified publicly-operated wastewater utilities in the United States. The Water Treatment Division was added in 2005. ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard requiring third-party certification and regular surveillance audits.
The Utility also participates in the North Carolina Environmental Stewardship Program.
- Long Creek WWTP has been designated as an Environmental Steward (the highest designation in the program) since 2004.
- Two Rivers Utilities’ Water Treatment Plant and Crowders Creek WWTP have been designated as Environmental Stewards since 2009.
Eagle Road WWTP and the Resource Recovery Farm have been designated as Environmental Stewards since 2019.
Scope of Environmental Management System
The environmental management system’s scope covers TRU operations under the control of the Wastewater Treatment Division, the Water Supply and Treatment Division and the Facility Maintenance Section of the Utilities Maintenance Division. This includes the operation and maintenance of TRU’s water treatment plant, its three wastewater treatment plants, TRU’s water and wastewater laboratories, pretreatment program, residuals management for water and wastewater plants, FOG program, and lift station maintenance.